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Cite Sources & Avoid Plagiarism

Avoid plagiarism and directory of citation styles

Learn about Plagiarism

Below are links to short videos, tutorials and lessons to help you avoid plagiarism:

LCCC Student Code of Conduct

Here is the excerpt from the LCCC Code of Conduct  that addresses Academic Misconduct:

 VI. Academic Misconduct:
(A) Cheating
     (1) Copying from another student’s material.
     (2) Knowingly obtaining, copying, using, buying, selling, transporting, or soliciting in whole or in part the contents of any test, quiz, exam, project or assignment without specific authorization of the appropriate official.
     (3) Bribing or the attempt to bribe any person to obtain any test, grade(s), any grade changes(s), or any related information.
     (4) Buying or selling unauthorized information about any test, quiz, exam, project or assignment.
     (5) Using electronic devices during the administration of a quiz or exam.
     (6) Collaborating with others on any academic assignment or exam intended by the instructor to be completed by an individual student.
     (7) Substituting for another student or permitting any other person to substitute for oneself to take an exam.
     (8) Using notes, open textbooks or any other type assistance aid during an exam when not authorized by the instructor.
     (9) Recording any lectures on audio or video tape without instructor’s permission.
     (10) Failure to comply with posted college laboratory and facility policies as well as posted programmatic policies.

(B) Plagiarism
      (1) The act of presenting the words, ideas or work of another person as one’s own.
      (2) Presenting as one’s own the ideas, words, images, or any other supporting material for an academic assignment without appropriate citation of sources.
      (3) Copying, pasting, downloading or importing any electronic material into work submitted for an academic assignment without appropriate citation of sources.
      (4) Utilizing copyrighted material in violation of U.S. Copyright Law.
      (5) Allowing one’s own work to be utilized by another student as if it were that student’s own work.

Plagiarism: From the LCCC Writing Program Handbook

Academic writing by its very nature includes the voices and ideas of multiple writers. When students, professors, and researchers write, very rarely do they simply share their own perspective on a topic. Rather, they contextualize their perspective within a wider conversation of what others have said. Thus, academic writers must be careful to draw a clear distinction in their documents between their own ideas and the ideas of others. When a writer neglects to do this, it is called “plagiarism.”
Plagiarism can occur when writers borrow an entire piece of writing and submit it as their own, or it can occur when a writer simply borrows an idea, a pattern of organization, or the wording of a source without acknowledging it appropriately. Plagiarism can be either intentional or accidental, but the consequences of either type of plagiarism are the same.
You will spend much time in college learning how to acknowledge and cite sources in order to write in a way that avoids plagiarism. If you are ever unsure about a question involving plagiarism, you should consult with your instructor before submitting your assignment. A plagiarized assignment will ordinarily receive a failing grade, and you may be asked to resubmit. Repeated plagiarism may result in failure of the course.

Lorain County Community College | 1005 N Abbe Rd - Elyria, OH 44035 | 1-800-995-LCCC