Catalog of books and other materials held by libraries worldwide.
WorldCat is the OCLC union catalog, containing more than 43 million records describing books and other items owned by libraries around the world. Each record contains library holdings. WorldCat covers thousands of subjects and includes records for items as far back as 1000 B.C. Materials covered in the catalog include: books, internet resources, computer data files, computer programs, films, journals, magazines, manuscripts, maps, musical scores, newspapers, slides, sound recordings, and videotapes. WorldCat does not include individual article titles or stories in journals, magazines, newspapers, or book chapters.
Library ID
You must have an up-to-date Library ID if you want to:
Check out books from the LCCC library.
Request library items through OhioLINK when not available at LCCC.
If you do not have a Library ID, or if your Library ID is not updated for the semester, stop at the CIRCULATION desk with a copy of your schedule. The front of the ID has a 14-digit number above the bar code that you will have to type when requesting materials through OhioLINK. An updated ID should have a sticker on the back for the current semester.