[February 13, 1958] "Herrick to Shunk" Letter written by John H. Herrick [Director of University Plant Studies] to Randall R. Schunk [General Manager of the Elyria Chamber of Commerce] referencing previous correspondence, a Commission to study the problem of state-wide higher education, and Novice Gail Fawcett, 8th President of Ohio State University (from 1956-1972).

[February 17, 1958] "O'Neill to Schunk" Letter written by C. William O'Neill [Governor] to Randall R. Schunk [General Manager of the Elyria Chamber of Commerce] regarding the need for a higher education institution in Elyria based on the rapid growth of the population.
[February 22, 1958] "DeChant to O'Neill" Copy of letter written by Edward W. DeChant [State Representative of Lorain County] to Governor William O'Neill requesting consideration of a higher institution school located in Elyria, Ohio.
[February 22, 1958] "DeChant to Shunk" Letter written by State Rep. Edward W. DeChant to G.M. of the Elyria Chamber of Commerce, Randall R. Schunk, reporting back on the letters exchanged and including copies.