Tips for Searching
Where to Search:
- When you are beginning your research, start with OneSearch. OneSearch searches most of the library search tools at one time.
Search Terms:
- Think of words and phrases that have the same or a similar meaning to your search topic and try searching with the new terms.
- Use "AND" between search terms to narrow your search results to articles that have both search terms.
- Use "OR" between search terms to broaden your results to articles that have either one term or the other.
Example search:
- Topic: The lives of illegal immigrants in the United States
- Search Terms: illegal immigrants, immigration, United States, community, culture, employment, health care ...
Here is an image of an example search in OneSearch:

Save or Email results
- Do not simply copy the URL from the address bar -- these URLs are dynamically generated and will not work after you close your search session. Instead, save or email the results.