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American Civil War

A research guide to assist students in researching the American Civil War and Reconstruction periods.

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1. Select the Google Scholar menu on the upper left.

screenshot of Scholar menu

2. Select the Settings Gear from the Google Scholar menu.

screenshot Google Scholar menu

3. Select Library links, under Scholar Settings

screenshot Google Scholar Library Links

4. Enter Lorain in the search box. Select "Lorain County Community College Library - Full Text Finder" Save you selection.
screenshot Google Scholar select Lorain

 5. From Google Scholar Results, select Full Text Finder for full text.

Google Scholar results

6. If you see the  login notice at the top of your screen, you will need to click there, then add your LorainCCC email and password to get to full text.

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Lorain County Community College | 1005 N Abbe Rd - Elyria, OH 44035 | 1-800-995-LCCC