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Faculty Promotions: Book Selections

These pages contain book selections made by individual faculty members and added to the Bass Library collection in honor of each's promotion.

History of the Celebration


What are libraries about? Many things, but especially books & people.

So what better way to honor the people who are so vital to our college library--the LCCC faculty-- than to mark their contributions to the college and their career advancements by asking each year's newly promoted faculty to select a book to add to the Library's collection? 

On the pages that follow you can see the book selections of each year's honorees. While attendees "nosh" at the August reception held in the Archives Room of the Bass Library,  the exchanges typically include a discussion of why each person selected that particular title. Reasons for the choices are all over the board--

it was my favorite book when I was a child

these books were written by my mother and father

this book was written by ME

this is my children's favorite book (I don't need a copy because I've memorized it!)

I want to learn more about my native country and delve more deeply into its history

it takes place in  the Caribbean, where I want to retire

... and so the discussions continue.

Click on the next page/s to see the faculty book choices, which are available for YOU to check out from the Bass Library!

Lorain County Community College | 1005 N Abbe Rd - Elyria, OH 44035 | 1-800-995-LCCC